Author Archives: Heli Sutinen

Digiturvallisuus 2024 – Olemme mukana!

Tule mukaan digitaalisen turvallisuuden tärkeimpään tapahtumaan! Digiturvallisuus 2024 -messut järjestetään 18.4.2024 klo 9–17 Paviljongissa, Jyväskylässä. Messuohjelmassa kolmella lavalla kuullaan puheenvuoroja ja paneelikeskusteluja alan asiantuntijoilta. Tutustu tarkemmin ohjelmaan messujen sivuilla. Käy myös ohjelman ohessa tutustumassa toimintaamme yhteisellä ständillämme Jyväskylän yliopiston kanssa. Ständillä kerromme mitä ajankohtaista JYVSECTECillä tapahtuu, kuinka kyberturvallisuuden harjoitusympäristömme RGCE (Realistic Global Cyber Environment) laajentuu […]

Resilmesh: Situation Aware enabled Cyber Resilience for Dispersed, Heterogenous Cyber Systems

The ResilMesh project aims to strenghten cybersecurity and resilience for organizations.

Food Supply Chain Cyber Threats: A Scoping Review

Cyber attacks against the food supply chain could have serious effects on our society. As more networked systems control all aspects of the food supply chain, understanding these threats has become more critical. This research aims to gain a better understanding of the threat landscape by reviewing the existing literature about the topic. Previous research […]

Modelling Breach Risk in a Network of Interconnected Devices

The Internet of Things, a network of interconnected devices that can form chains, is becoming increasingly more prevalent. Connecting devices together brings with it an inherent amount of additional cyber security related risk. Quantitative calculations of breach risks related to connecting devices to a server were made for a set of randomly generated networks. The […]

Improved difference images for change detection classifiers in SAR imagery using deep learning

Satellite-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images can be used as a source of remote sensed imagery regardless of cloud cover and day–night cycle. However, the speckle noise and varying image acquisition conditions pose a challenge for change detection classifiers. This article proposes a new method of improving SAR image processing to produce higher quality difference […]

DataBoost – Data to boost business in manufacturing industry

In recent years, the digitalisation of society has developed rapidly in many sectors, including manufacturing. This has led to an increase in the amount of data collected by companies, but their ability to use data in their business varies widely. However, data as such is not a raw material that adds value unless it can […]

Robocoast EDIH

The aim of Robocoast EDIH is to promote the competitiveness of industrial SMEs by supporting them in adopting new digital technologies. The development of industrial SMEs through the digital and green transitions is important for both Finland and the whole of Europe. The strengths of the Robocoast EDIH consortium include expertise in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, […]

Resilience of Modern Value Chains in a Sustainable Energy System

The project will design, build, and pilot a digital environment modelling the entire energy system value chain by extending JYVSECTEC’s RGCE Cyber Range.

Vote for the Most Responsible Digital Deed of the Year 2023

The Food Chain Cyber Resilience project can be voted the Most Responsible Digital Deed of the Year 2023 until the end of September on Atea’s website: The environment and pilot exercise produced in the Food Chain Cyber Resilience project have been selected as a finalist in a competition organized by IT service company Atea […]

Developing Cyber Security Education and its Collaboration in Universities of Applied Sciences

Jamk University of Applied Sciences is coordinating the project aimed for the progressive refinement of existing cyber security education within Universities of Applied Sciences of Finland. The project’s primary objective revolves around the augmentation of the current cyber security course portfolio, with a specific focus on tailoring field-specific cyber security courses to align seamlessly with […]