Digital shields with security connection flying in cyber space

Adding resilience to digital business

JYVSECTEC – Jyväskylä Security Technology is a research, development, and training center.


National Cyber Security

National cyber exercises (KYHA) are an advanced method to develop collaboration between different national authorities and governmental organizations.

National Cyber Range of Finland

RGCE (Realistic Global Cyber Environment) is a comprehensive and unique cyber range which brings together a realistic global world and real organization environments in an isolated private cloud.

Cyber Range Collaboration

We have created a network of similar cyber ranges. Get to know the opportunities provided by the community to develop your own and your organization's competence.

Trusted cyber security partner

Trusted cyber security partner

We are an independent and trustworthy partner, who helps organizations to enhance their critical capabilities, expertise, and know-how against modern threats.


Publications and perspectives




Cyber range

2024: The year of national cyber exercises



Critical infrastructure

Cyber range

Municipalities and critical infrastructure operators from all over Finland join national cyber exercise



Cyber security

Red team

Understanding the role of red teams in cyber security exercises  


Co-operation partners

Deloitte logo
Elisa logo
Erillisverkot logo
Fanshawe School of Information Technology logo
Fingrid logo
Istekki logo
Ministry of Transport and Communications logo
Outokumpu logo
Ministry of Defence logo
Telia logo