We are involved in the preparatory work of the Cyber Growth Program of Finland together with representatives of the academic world and commercial companies. The preparatory work has been commissioned by the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Employment, Transport and Communications, and Education and Culture, as well as the National Emergency Supply Agency and Business Finland Ltd. DIMECC Ltd is responsible for the coordination of the preparatory work.
Our special priority area in the preparatory work is the cyber resilience theme. We are in charge of handling of the theme. We share this responsibility together with Telia Finland Plc and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. The other three themes of the growth program are digitalization of business life, growth and internationalization, and knowledge and education.
More information on the preparatory work can be found on DIMECC’s website at https://www.dimecc.com/dimecc-services/kyberalan-kasvuohjelman-valmistelutyo/