Digitalization and technological advances are bringing lots of changes in food production and its technical environment. Systems and processes in the field are evolving at an increasing pace. Thus, we need to be prepared for cyber threats and disruptions targeted to different sections of the food chain.
A capability for a food chain cybersecurity exercise will be developed together with the actors in the food supply chain.
The project will extend JYVSECTEC´s existing RGCE Cyber Range to the food production and distribution sector, focusing on modelling selected systems and processes of the sector. In addition, a capability for a food chain cybersecurity exercise will be developed together with the actors in the food supply chain. The capability will be tested in a pilot exercise.
The project will also develop the cyber security expertise, awareness, and co-operation of actors in the field, utilizing national and international co-operation networks.
Food Chain Cyber Resilience project consists of a development project and a directly related investment project, which started in parallel.
The outcome objectives of the development project are:
- An environment modelling the digital landscape of food production and distribution has been built and piloted.
- Cybersecurity exercise activities for the food production and distribution sector have been developed and tested in a pilot exercise.
- Cybersecurity knowledge, awareness and cooperation of food production and distribution organizations have been developed through national and international cooperation networks.
- The project has been managed to a high standard to achieve its objectives and impacts on time and within budget.
The objective of the simultaneous investment project is as follows:
The investments needed to build and pilot an environment modelling the digital landscape of food production and distribution have been planned and implemented.
The project impact
The deployment of the environment will enable the exploration and development of a digital environment in a dynamically changing operational environment. The project will result in an advanced technical environment and advanced know-how to meet the ever-changing requirements of cyber security in the digital environment of food production and distribution.
By integrating cybersecurity know-how into the operations and quality assurance of food service operators and industrial actors, the continuity and evolution of the activities launched during the project will be ensured in line with the needs. The cybersecurity training and education activities in the sector will significantly increase the skills of the actors involved, both in the short and long term.
The impact of developing skills, awareness and cooperation will lead to an increase in national skills and strengthen Finland’s position as a leader in cybersecurity. The development and expansion of international cooperation networks will enable quantitative and qualitative development of both R&D activities and business.
Funding program
Leverage from the EU, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The project is funded by the REACT-EU Instrument as part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Information Technology (project coordinator) in collaboration with Institute of Bioeconomy
Private business actors
- Atria Plc.
- Cinia Ltd.
- DeLaval Ltd.
- Elisa Corporation
- Fazer Group
- Kesko Corporation
- Netum Ltd.
- Penttilän Maito Ltd.
- SOK Corporation
- Tapiolan maitotila
- Telia Cygate Ltd.
- Valio Ltd
Government actors
- National Emergency Supply Agency (Huoltovarmuuskeskus) NESA
- TRAFICOM/ National Cyber Security Centre (Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficomin Kyberturvallisuuskeskus) NCSC-FI
Other members and actors
- Cyber security authorities and agencies
- Research institutes and universities in Finland and abroad
- Food chain or cyber security related international co-operation networks
- Related agriculture, food chain or cyber security R&D programs
Project events
Food chain cybersecurity pilot exercise (event page in Finnish): Elintarvikeketjun kyberturvallisuuden pilottiharjoitus | Jamk
Visit day of the food chain cybersecurity pilot exercise (event page in Finnish): Elintarvikeketjun kyberturvallisuuden pilottiharjoituksen vierailupäivä | Jamk
Project publications
- Article in Finnish 6/2022 (Liha ja ruoka -ammattilehti): Kyberturvallisuudesta huolehtiminen on koko elintarvikeketjun yhteinen asia
- Article in Finnish 2022 (Jamkin asiakaslehti): https://www.jamk.fi/fi/artikkeli/datan-hyodyntaminen-elintarviketeollisuudessa-uhka-ja-mahdollisuus
- Blog post in Finnish 11.3.2022 (Tech to the Future blog): Pysyykö langat käsissä riittävän hyvin – Investoivan maatilan kyberuhka?
- Blog post in Finnish 11.3.2022 (Tech to the Future blog): Kun reaali- ja virtuaalimaailma kohtaavat: Miten lehmä mallinnetaan virtuaaliympäristöön?
- Blog post in Finnish 8.2.2022 (Tech to the Future blog): Kyberhäiriön matka pellolta pöytään – Elintarvikeketjun kybersietokykyä kehittämässä
- Article in Finnish 23.11.2021 (Maaseudun tulevaisuus): Tomaatit tarvitsevat valoa, lypsyrobotti sähköä – kyberuhka koskee myös ruuantuotantoa
- Article in Finnish 23.11.2021 (Maaseudun tulevaisuus): Mikä motivoi kyberuhkaajaa? Vastaamon tapauksessa tavoitteena oli rahan kiristys, mutta muitakin motiiveja on
- News in Finnish 27.8.2021 (Jamk): Elintarviketuotannon arvoketjuun kohdistettu kyberhyökkäys voi aiheuttaa vakavia seurauksia – JAMKille 1,4 miljoonan rahoitus alan kyberturvallisuuden kehittämiseen
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Elina Suni Project Manager elina.suni(at)jamk.fi, p. +358406495054 |