About Us
JYVSECTEC brand guidelines
These guidelines are designed to assure the uniformity and stability of the visual look and to assist with the correct use of our logo.
Our logo 'JYVSECTEC by jamk' is an endorsed brand of a JAMK brand family. When using JYVSECTEC logo leave enough space around it.
Color logo for light backgrounds. Please use this logo mainly.
Two-color white version of the main logo for dark backgrounds.

JYVSECTEC should always be written with capital letters. JYVSECTEC is a short-term of 'Jyväskylä Security Technology'. In media, the JYVSECTEC name can be presented in its full form 'Jyväskylä Security Technology' with every word spelled with a capital initial letter.
JYVSECTEC - Jyväskylä Security Technology
JyvSecTec - Jyväskylä Security Technology
General info
For further information about the use of the JYVSECTEC name and visual look please consult us.