
Cyber Security for Europe

The project Cyber Security for Europe aim to boost the effectiveness of the Security Union, the EU wishes to ensure that it retains and develops essential capacities to secure its digital economy, infrastructures, society and democracy. The EU has recognised that cybersecurity research, competences and investments are spread across Europe with too little alignment, and that there is an urgent need to step up investment in technological advancements that could make the Digital Single Market more cybersecure and overcome the fragmentation of EU research capacities.

CyberSec4Europe will align and interconnect a vast pool of research excellence in existing centres and research facilities, bringing together cybersecurity expertise in an interdisciplinary manner while developing a governance model for the future European Cybersecurity Competence Network. The 43 consortium partners will consolidate and reinforce cooperation and synergies between the research and industrial communities, including SMEs. The 42-month project will strengthen the research and innovation competence and cybersecurity capacities of Member States to meet the increasing number of cybersecurity challenges in the future.

The project takes starts with a kick-off meeting on 28.2.2019 and will last until July 2022 at a total cost of 16 MEUR.

The project organizing a two-day cybersecurity exercise, called by Flagship 1 on 12-13 January 2021.


2/2019 – 7/2022

Funding program

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 830929.

Project publication:

Cyber Range Technical Federation: Case Flagship 1 Exercise

Modelling Medical Devices with Honeypots: A Conceptual Framework

Detecting One-Pixel Attacks Using Variational Autoencoders

Model Fooling Attacks Against Medical Imaging: A Short Survey

Comprehensive Cyber Arena; The Next Generation Cyber Range

Quality Criteria for Cyber Security MOOCs

Measuring Learning in a Cyber Security Exercise

Assessing Cyber Security Education through NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework


JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Information Technology is a contributor to several projects’ work packages.

For more info, see CyberSec4Europe project’s official pages:

Jani PäijänenProject Manager
JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Information Technology

jani.paijanen(at), p. +358407072850


Adding resilience to digital business


JYVSECTEC – Jyväskylä Security Technology is an independent research, development, and training center in Finland. We operate as part of Jamk University of Applied Science's Institute of Information Technology.

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Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Information Technology
Piippukatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland

JYVSECTEC – Jyväskylä Security Technology © 2025 Finland.