CyberSec4Europe project is organizing a two-day cybersecurity exercise, called by Flagship 1. The event is held on 12-13 January 2021 and it is only accessible online to CyberSec4Europe project partners. The goal of Flaship1 is to provide a positive learning opportunity for participants.
Exercise’s participants will be assigned a work role in a fictional organization. With the available documentation, participants will be able to examine and analyze a cyber attack and seek to mitigate the damages.
In the exercise, the fictional organization’s internal and external communication representatives are alerted. Recent cybersecurity attacks in Finland and abroad have shown that communication is usually the duty of non-technical employees. A detected successful cyber attack not only concerns the targeted organization, but also an organization’s ecosystem and its stakeholders. They need to receive timely updates and it helps when people speak the same language, so that internal and external communication can be clear and effective.
The technology behind Flagship 1 is based on Realistic Global Cyber Environment (RGCE). The platform development started in 2011 and was used to host the first Finnish national cyber exercise in 2013.
Watch the video about the exercise’s scene of Flagship 1 at JAMK’s video sharing service
Follow on Twitter #flagship1cse
Project funding:
CyberSec4Europe is funded by the European Union under the H2020 Programme Grant Agreement No. 830929. Read more about the project: https://jyvsectec.fi/2019/02/cybersec4europe/