Strengthening Cyber Resilience
Help ensure that society operates safely and is prepared for today's complex cyber threats.
Learning by exercising

The advantage of exercising is that the crisis is no longer the exception, but a situation from which one can learn. Don't just react to cyber threats - anticipate them. Equip your organization with the skills and knowledge to tackle cyber challenges head-on.

Development of know-how
Cyber exercising develops personnel to detect and understand cyber threats that jeopardize business operations.

Cyber security awareness
Exercising with us improve the ability and capabilities of organization to function in incident and exceptional circumstances.

Real-life experience
Through exercising you gain experience in responding to and defending against complex and comprehensive cyber attacks.
Exercise overview
Build more efficient, resilient, and agile organization to handle cyber attacks. Read more about benefits of cyber exercises!

Cyber range
2024: The year of national cyber exercises

About us
Cyber security
Full-scale exercise for organizations

Cyber security
Red team
Understanding the role of red teams in cyber security exercises
Research about exercising
Cyber security is a collaborative effort where every IT expert's contribution is vital for ensuring the safety of our digital infrastructure. Grow your know-how and learn to understand cyber exercises through research.

Cyber exercise
Cyber security
Learn to Train Like You Fight

Cyber exercise
Cyber security
Multi-National Cyber Security Exercise, Case Flagship 2

Cyber exercise
Cyber range
Cyber Range Technical Federation: Case Flagship 1 Exercise
Prepare against modern threats by exercising with us
Our philosophy revolves around the idea that you never have to train alone. Let's secure your business together.

National cyber exercises
Play your role to ensure that society operates securely in cyberspace and develop collaboration between different national authorities and governmental organizations.

Business sector cyber exercises
Focus on business sector cooperation and collaboration, preparing your organization against cyber attacks in the most comprehensive manner.

Scoped cyber exercises
Choose the best match for your organization to train your personnel and develop critical processes, procedures, and skills.

Increase your cyber knowledge

Cyber security
Cyber situation awareness
Refining Cyber Situation Awareness with Honeypots in Case of a Ransomware Attack

AI and data-analytics
Cyber security
Artificial Intelligence Cyberattacks in Red Teaming: A Scoping Review

Cyber exercise
Cyber security information sharing
Cyber Security Information Sharing During a Large Scale Real Life Cyber Security Exercise
Any question left?
Are you interested in discussing your organization's needs for cyber security exercise?
Let's have a confidential discussion.

Jarno Lötjönen
Business Manager