News and insights

Machine learning applications of quantum computing: A review

Machine learning applications of quantum computing: A review

At the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning, this review paper explores the transformative impact these technologies are having...
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Applications of post-quantum cryptography

Applications of post-quantum cryptography

With the constantly advancing capabilities of quantum computers, conventional cryptographic systems relying on complex math problems may encounter unforeseen vulnerabilities....
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Cyber protection applications of quantum computing: A review

Cyber protection applications of quantum computing: A review

Quantum computing is a cutting-edge field of information technology that harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform computations. It...
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Artificial Intelligence for Security – Enhancing Protection in a Changing World

Artificial Intelligence for Security – Enhancing Protection in a Changing World

This book discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for security purposes. It is divided into three parts: methodological fundamentals...
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Distribution of Invalid Users on an SSH Server

Distribution of Invalid Users on an SSH Server

The Secure Shell (SSH) server on a Unix-like system is a viable way for users to login and execute programs...
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Refining Cyber Situation Awareness with Honeypots in Case of a Ransomware Attack

Refining Cyber Situation Awareness with Honeypots in Case of a Ransomware Attack

The cyber threat landscape is vast and unstable. One of the top threats in the present moment is ransomware, which...
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Artificial Intelligence Cyberattacks in Red Teaming: A Scoping Review

Artificial Intelligence Cyberattacks in Red Teaming: A Scoping Review

Advances in artificial intelligence are creating possibilities to use these methods in red team activities, such as cyberattacks. These AI...
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Cyber Security Information Sharing During a Large Scale Real Life Cyber Security Exercise

Cyber Security Information Sharing During a Large Scale Real Life Cyber Security Exercise

In the event of a cyber attack, the efficient production and utilisation of situational information is achieved by sharing information...
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Food Supply Chain Cyber Threats: A Scoping Review

Food Supply Chain Cyber Threats: A Scoping Review

Cyber attacks against the food supply chain could have serious effects on our society. As more networked systems control all...
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Modelling Breach Risk in a Network of Interconnected Devices

Modelling Breach Risk in a Network of Interconnected Devices

The Internet of Things, a network of interconnected devices that can form chains, is becoming increasingly more prevalent. Connecting devices...
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Improved difference images for change detection classifiers in SAR imagery using deep learning

Improved difference images for change detection classifiers in SAR imagery using deep learning

Satellite-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images can be used as a source of remote sensed imagery regardless of cloud cover...
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Käsikirjat elintarvikeketjun kyberpoikkeamien hallintaan

Käsikirjat elintarvikeketjun kyberpoikkeamien hallintaan

Käsikirjojen tarkoitus on auttaa suomalaisia elintarvikeketjun toimijoita kehittämään kyberhäiriöiden hallinnan prosessejaan ja toimintaohjeitaan, jotta voidaan varmistaa yhteiskunnan kannalta kriittisen elintarvikeketjun...
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Parameter Optimization for Low-Rank Matrix Recovery in Hyperspectral Imaging

Parameter Optimization for Low-Rank Matrix Recovery in Hyperspectral Imaging

In hyperspectral imaging, spectral signatures of objects are recorded for each image pixel. The spectral signature of an object is...
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Participants Prefer Technical Hands-on Cyber Exercises Instead of Organisational and Societal Ones

Participants Prefer Technical Hands-on Cyber Exercises Instead of Organisational and Societal Ones

The purpose of our research was to conduct a preliminary assessment of the cybersecurity exercise participants to learn about their skills and expectations. Assessment was used for fine-tuning the exercise.
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Digital Twin of Food Supply Chain for Cyber Exercises

Digital Twin of Food Supply Chain for Cyber Exercises

The food supply chain is a critical part of modern societies. As with other facets of life, it is thoroughly...
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Learn to Train Like You Fight

Learn to Train Like You Fight

This qualitative study includes nine semi-structured interviews with cybersecurity experts from different security-related organizations who are familiar with cybersecurity exercises....
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Multi-National Cyber Security Exercise, Case Flagship 2

Multi-National Cyber Security Exercise, Case Flagship 2

Cyber security is not merely about securing devices and focusing on software and hardware. Staff members with skills and know-how...
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Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Theory and Applications

Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Theory and Applications

This book discusses artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity from multiple points of view. The diverse chapters reveal modern trends and...
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Cyber Range Technical Federation: Case Flagship 1 Exercise

Cyber Range Technical Federation: Case Flagship 1 Exercise

Modern cyber domain is an extremely complex field to master. There are numerous capricious dependencies between networked systems and data....
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Cybersecurity education in universities of applied sciences

Cybersecurity education in universities of applied sciences

The implementation of cybersecurity research, development, and training and education at different levels strengthens both national expertise and Finland as...
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Analysing Finnish Cybersecurity Thesis Topics Using Taxonomic Frameworks

Analysing Finnish Cybersecurity Thesis Topics Using Taxonomic Frameworks

This paper presents an analysis of Bachelor’s and Master’s cybersecurity theses in Jyväskylä, Finland. The theses were gathered from publicly...
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Chromatic and Spatial Analysis of One-Pixel Attacks Against an Image Classifier

Chromatic and Spatial Analysis of One-Pixel Attacks Against an Image Classifier

One-pixel attack is a curious way of deceiving neural network classifier by changing only one pixel in the input image....
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Model Fooling Threats Against Medical Imaging

Model Fooling Threats Against Medical Imaging

Automatic medical image diagnosis tools are vulnerable to modern model fooling technologies. Because medical imaging is a way of determining...
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Development of Data-Driven Curriculum Courses in the Bachelor of Engineering Degree Program

Development of Data-Driven Curriculum Courses in the Bachelor of Engineering Degree Program

he rapid technological development is typical for the IT industry, and it poses a challenge for the curricula to stay...
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Researching graduated cyber security students: Reflecting employment and job responsibilities through NICE framework

Researching graduated cyber security students: Reflecting employment and job responsibilities through NICE framework

Most research and development on Cyber Security education is currently focusing on what should be taught, how much, and where...
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Pedagogical and self-reflecting approach to improving the learning within a cyber exercise

Pedagogical and self-reflecting approach to improving the learning within a cyber exercise

In the digitalized world, there is a growing need not only to improve one’s cybersecurity skills and knowledge, but also...
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Artificial Intelligence in the IoT Era: A Review of Edge AI Hardware and Software

Artificial Intelligence in the IoT Era: A Review of Edge AI Hardware and Software

The modern trend of moving artificial intelligence computation near to the origin of data sources has increased the demand for...
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Detecting One-Pixel Attacks Using Variational Autoencoders

Detecting One-Pixel Attacks Using Variational Autoencoders

In the field of medical imaging, artificial intelligence solutions are used for diagnosis, prediction and treatment processes. Such solutions are...
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Modelling Medical Devices with Honeypots: A Conceptual Framework

Modelling Medical Devices with Honeypots: A Conceptual Framework

Cyber security plays an important role in the modern smart hospital environment. In these environments, one of the key assets...
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Key Elements of On-Line Cyber Security Exercise and Survey of Learning During the On-Line Cyber Security Exercise

Key Elements of On-Line Cyber Security Exercise and Survey of Learning During the On-Line Cyber Security Exercise

In the domain of cyber security, the most valuable assets are skills and know-how, so the basic ambition for conducting the cyber security exercises for individuals and for organisations is the learning. In this research, the learning experience during the state-of-the-art on-line remote cyber security exercise is studied.
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One-Pixel Attack Deceives Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Cancer

One-Pixel Attack Deceives Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Cancer

Computer vision and machine learning can be used to automate various tasks in cancer diagnostic and detection. If an attacker...
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Cyber Range: Preparing for Crisis or Something Just for Technical People?

Cyber Range: Preparing for Crisis or Something Just for Technical People?

This article attempts to reveal the secrets behind cyber ranges and their use focusing on suitable target environments, common functions, and use cases.
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Color-Optimized One-Pixel Attack Against Digital Pathology Images

Color-Optimized One-Pixel Attack Against Digital Pathology Images

Modern artificial intelligence based medical imaging tools are vulnerable to model fooling attacks. Automated medical imaging methods are used for...
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One-Pixel Attacks Against Medical Imaging: A Conceptual Framework

One-Pixel Attacks Against Medical Imaging: A Conceptual Framework

This paper explores the applicability of one-pixel attacks against medical imaging. Successful attacks are threats that could cause mistrust towards...
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Assessing Cyber Security Education through NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework

Assessing Cyber Security Education through NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework

This paper presents the results of research and assessment of cyber security education in higher education in Europe and the...
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Measuring Learning in a Cyber Security Exercise

Measuring Learning in a Cyber Security Exercise

In recent years, cyber security exercises have established themselves as an integral part of cyber security education. Cyber security professionals...
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Modelling Medical Devices with Honeypots

Modelling Medical Devices with Honeypots

Cyber security is one of the key priorities in the modern digitalised and complex network totality. One of the major...
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Kyberhäiriöiden hallinta – Käsikirja terveydenhuollon toimijoille

Kyberhäiriöiden hallinta – Käsikirja terveydenhuollon toimijoille

Käsikirjan tarkoitus on auttaa suomalaisia terveydenhuollon organisaatioita kehittämään kyberhäiriöiden hallinnan prosessejaan ja toimintaohjeitaan, jotta voidaan varmistaa yhteiskunnan kannalta kriittisen terveydenhuollon...
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HPC-Performance tests

HPC-Performance tests

High-performance computing (HPC) is defined as the ability to process a massive amount of data and perform complex calculations at...
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Quality Criteria for Cyber Security MOOCs

Quality Criteria for Cyber Security MOOCs

Cyber security MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) can enable lifelong learning and increase the cyber security competence of experts and...
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Comprehensive Cyber Arena; The Next Generation Cyber Range

Comprehensive Cyber Arena; The Next Generation Cyber Range

The cyber domain and all the interdependencies between networked systems form an extremely complex ensemble. Incidents in the cyber domain...
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Review of Pedagogical Principles of Cyber Security Exercises

Review of Pedagogical Principles of Cyber Security Exercises

Modern digitalized cyber domains are extremely complex ensemble. Cyber attacks or incidents against system may affect capricious effects for another...
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Model Fooling Attacks Against Medical Imaging: A Short Survey

Model Fooling Attacks Against Medical Imaging: A Short Survey

This study aims to find a list of methods to fool artificial neural networks used in medical imaging. We collected...
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Model for Cyber Security Information Sharing in Healthcare Sector

Model for Cyber Security Information Sharing in Healthcare Sector

In the modern society almost all services are based on data-networks and networked systems. Especially through the growing digitalization an...
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Statistical Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence -Based Intrusion Detection System

Statistical Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence -Based Intrusion Detection System

Training neural networks with captured real-world network data may fail to ascertain whether or not the network architecture is capable...
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JAMK High Performance Computing

JAMK High Performance Computing

High-performance computing (HPC) is defined as the ability to process a massive amount of data and perform complex calculations at...
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A Design Model for a Degree Programme in Cyber Security

A Design Model for a Degree Programme in Cyber Security

The need for skillful cyber security workforce has increased dramatically during the last ten years. The contents of the degree...
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Network Anomaly Detection Based on WaveNet

Network Anomaly Detection Based on WaveNet

Increasing amount of attacks and intrusions against networked systems and data networks requires sensor capability. Data in modern networks, including...
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Pedagogical Aspects of Cyber Security Exercises

Pedagogical Aspects of Cyber Security Exercises

Cyber security exercises (CSE) are complex learning experiences aimed at developing expert knowledge and competence through simulation. In this paper...
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Requirements for Training and Evaluation Dataset of Network and Host Intrusion Detection System

Requirements for Training and Evaluation Dataset of Network and Host Intrusion Detection System

In the cyber domain, situational awareness of the critical assets is extremely important. For achieving comprehensive situational awareness, accurate sensor...
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Anomaly-Based Network Intrusion Detection Using Wavelets and Adversarial Autoencoders

Anomaly-Based Network Intrusion Detection Using Wavelets and Adversarial Autoencoders

The number of intrusions and attacks against data networks and networked systems increases constantly, while encryption has made it more...
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Blue Team Communication and Reporting for Enhancing Situational Awareness from White Team Perspective in Cyber Security Exercises

Blue Team Communication and Reporting for Enhancing Situational Awareness from White Team Perspective in Cyber Security Exercises

Cyber security exercises allow individuals and organisations to train and test their skills in complex cyber attack situations. In order...
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On Application-Layer DDoS Attack Detection in High-Speed Encrypted Networks

On Application-Layer DDoS Attack Detection in High-Speed Encrypted Networks

Application-layer denial-of-service attacks have become a serious threat to modern high-speed computer networks and systems. Unlike network-layer attacks, application-layer attacks...
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Weighted Fuzzy Clustering for Online Detection of Application DDoS Attacks in Encrypted Network Traffic

Weighted Fuzzy Clustering for Online Detection of Application DDoS Attacks in Encrypted Network Traffic

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are one of the most serious threats to today’s high-speed networks. These attacks can quickly incapacitate...
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Architecture for the Cyber Security Situational Awareness System

Architecture for the Cyber Security Situational Awareness System

Networked software systems have a remarkable and critical role in the modern society. There are critical software systems in every...
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Increasing Web Service Availability by Detecting Application-Layer DDoS Attacks in Encrypted Traffic

Increasing Web Service Availability by Detecting Application-Layer DDoS Attacks in Encrypted Traffic

Nowadays, zero-day Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks become frighteningly common in high-speed networks due to constantly increasing number of vulnerabilities. Moreover, these...
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Model for Sharing the Information of Cyber Security Situation Awareness between Organizations

Model for Sharing the Information of Cyber Security Situation Awareness between Organizations

Exchanging of Situation Awareness information is extremely important for organizations in order to survive as part of the cyber domain....
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Data Mining Approach for Detection of DDoS Attacks Utilizing SSL/TLS Protocol

Data Mining Approach for Detection of DDoS Attacks Utilizing SSL/TLS Protocol

Denial of Service attacks remain one of the most serious threats to the Internet nowadays. In this study, we propose...
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Analysis of Approaches to Internet Traffic Generation for Cyber Security Research and Exercise

Analysis of Approaches to Internet Traffic Generation for Cyber Security Research and Exercise

Because of the severe global security threat of malwares, vulnerabilities and attacks against networked systems cyber-security research, training and exercises...
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Online detection of anomalous network flows with soft clustering

Online detection of anomalous network flows with soft clustering

In this study, we apply an anomaly-based approach to analyze traffic flows transferred over a network to detect the flows...
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Analysis of HTTP Requests for Anomaly Detection of Web Attacks

Analysis of HTTP Requests for Anomaly Detection of Web Attacks

Attacks against web servers and web-based applications remain a serious global network security threat. Attackers are able to compromise web...
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